सैनिक स्कूल झुंझुनू
राष्ट्राय समर्पणम्
Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India
रक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Sainik school, Jhunjhunu is an English medium, residential school for boys providing Public School Education with a military bias, located at Jhunjhunu District of the state of Rajasthan. The school is established with a clear objective of providing high-quality public school education, leadership and discipline training to the selected cadets and groom them to become officers in the Defence Services of the country. The aim of the School is to enrol as many cadets as possible into the National Defence Academy (NDA). notice.pdf
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(3 May 1896 – 6 October 1974)
The idea of establishing a chain of Sainik Schools in the country was conceived by late Shri V.K. Krishna Menon, the then Union Minister of Defence, in the year 1961.
Menon was an Indian nationalist, diplomat and statesman. He inspired widespread adulation and fervent detraction in both India and the West; to his supporters, he was an unapologetic champion of India in the face of Western imperialism.